Patient injury claims for posterior cruciate ligament injury: a nationwide registry study in Finland
complication, knee, patient injury, posterior cruciate ligamentAbstract
Background and purpose: Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries usually occur in combination with other ligamentous knee injuries. The outcome varies and may be poor due to suboptimal treatment. We investigated claims following PCL injury treatment on a nationwide scale.
Patients and methods: All patient PCL injury claims filed in Finland from 1997 to 2015 were collected from the Patient Insurance Centre (PIC) register. We reviewed and analyzed all records to determine the causes of claims. General background data were obtained from the National Care Register for Social Welfare and Health Care (HILMO).
Results: We found out from HILMO background data that, during the 19-year study period, 1,891 PCL and 1,380 multiligament reconstructions were performed in 99 different hospitals. The number of PCL injuries treated conservatively is unknown. During this same period, 49 claims arrived at the PIC, and 39/49 of these patients were operated on. 12/49 claims were compensated. Of these 12 claims, 6 were compensated for technical errors and 4 were compensated for diagnostic delays.
Conclusion: The number of patient injury claims was few, and compensated claims were even fewer. Technical errors and diagnostic delays were the most common reasons for reimbursement.
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