Publication fees

Article Processing Charge (APC)
The APC concerns only accepted and published articles, there are no submission fees or fees for rejected manuscripts.

The standard APC is EURO 2,400 or 2620 USD. For Case reports the APC is EURO 1200 or 1310 USD. Depending on your location these charges may be subject to local taxes.

NOTE: There is no Article Processing Charge (APC) for members of a national society that are a member of Nordic Orthopaedic Federation (NOF members include Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden).
This applies if the first author or last author are a member.

You need to upload membership verification during submission.

NOTE: Acta Orthopaedica follows the HINARI waiver policy for developing countries.

Swedish authors affiliated with participating BIBSAM institutions enjoy free publication in Acta Orthopaedica based on a new agreement between BIBSAM and MJS Publishing 

Authors based in Sweden and affiliated with institutions that are members of BIBSAM consortia can now publish open access articles in Acta Orthopaedica at no charge.

This initiative is made possible through an Open Access agreement between MJS Publishing and BIBSAM, streamlining the publication process for all involved parties. Through this agreement, Swedish authors can publish various types of accepted articles without incurring any costs, thanks to the collaboration with BIBSAM and Swedish research funders.

Eligibility for this arrangement applies to authors affiliated with participating BIBSAM institutions. The agreement, effective from January 1st, 2024, covers all articles accepted on or after this date.

To qualify, authors must meet the following criteria:

  • Be affiliated with a participating BIBSAM institution
  • Serve as the corresponding author for the manuscript
  • Conduct the research primarily at the affiliated institution
  • Utilize their institutional domain email for both submission and publication

Additionally, authors must communicate their eligibility to the Editorial office upon manuscript submission.