Instability after anterior cruciate ligament rupture


  • Thomas Fridén
  • Karola Sommerlath
  • Niels Egund
  • Jan Gillquist
  • Leif Ryd
  • Anders Lindstrand



Manual tests and 2 external devices were used together with roentgen stereophotogrammetry (RSA) and an active weight-bearing radiographic method to measure the sagittal laxity in 11 knees with anterior-cruciate-ligament rupture. In 5 knees no ligament surgery had been performed (unstable knees) and in 6 knees a reconstruction had been performed one year before the examination (stable knees). There were positive correlations between all methods, including the manual tests when all knees, both stable and unstable, were analyzed together. However, the mean values of the total displacement differed between the methods, especially when comparing the weight-bearing radiographs with the three other methods. Some knees with substantial displacement during passive loading did not show any displacement when weight bearing; the measurements thus depended on both the ligamentous laxity and the patient's neuromuscular control of the joint. When the stable knees were analyzed separately, higher mean values were recorded with the external devices than with RSA using 180 N load. This could be explained by an error from soft tissue deformation which added to the skeletal displacement when the external devices were used.


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How to Cite

Fridén, T., Sommerlath, K., Egund, N., Gillquist, J., Ryd, L., & Lindstrand, A. (1992). Instability after anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Acta Orthopaedica, 63(6), 593–598.