Vertebral deformation in urban Swedish men and women: Prevalence based on 797 subjects


  • Ralph Hasserius
  • Inga Redlund-Johnell
  • Dan Mellström
  • Christer Johansson
  • Bo E Nilsson
  • Olof Johnell



Vertebral fracture-deformation, a common feature of osteoporosis, shows considerable age, sex and geographical variation. We present the prevalence in an urban population of south-west Sweden. Lateral spine radiographs of 797 men and women, age 50-86 years, were evaluated by morphomety. The age-standardized prevalence of subjects with vertebral deformation using the deformation criterion -3 SD was 39 (95%CI 34-43)% in women and 33 (95%CI 28-38)% in men. The prevalence increased with age in both sexes. After adjustment for age, women had a higher prevalence than men, odds ratio 1.4. The proportion of vertebrae with deformation ranged from 2%-11%, increasing with age. The vertebrae most commonly deformed were Th 11, Th 12 and L1.


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How to Cite

Hasserius, R., Redlund-Johnell, I., Mellström, D., Johansson, C., Nilsson, B. E., & Johnell, O. (2001). Vertebral deformation in urban Swedish men and women: Prevalence based on 797 subjects. Acta Orthopaedica, 72(3), 273–278.