Adhesion of the subacromial bursa may cause subacromial impingement in patients with rotator cuff tearsPressure measurements in 18 patients


  • Akitoshi Machida
  • Kazuomi Sugamoto
  • Takashi Miyamoto
  • Hiroaki Inui
  • Tetsu Watanabe
  • Hideki Yoshikawa



In order to determine whether adhesion of the subacromial bursa leads to impingement, we measured the subacromial contact pressures before and after release of adhesion of this bursa. 18 shoulders with cuff tears and adhesion of the subacromial bursa were evaluated in 8 male and 10 female patients, of mean age 62 (53–71) years and who had no particular limitation of shoulder motion. We recorded subacromial pressures using a very sensitive film inserted under the acromion during surgery. In passive scapular plane elevation (scaption) at 100°, the mean subacromial contact pressure and area declined from 1.43 (SD 0.23) MPa before release to 1.14 (SD 0.35) MPa after release (p < 0.001), and from 163 (SD 81) mm2before release to 80 (SD 46) mm2after release (p < 0.001), respectively. We suggest that adhesion of the subacromial bursa increases impingement between the acromion and the insertion of rotator cuff tendons.


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How to Cite

Machida, A., Sugamoto, K., Miyamoto, T., Inui, H., Watanabe, T., & Yoshikawa, H. (2004). Adhesion of the subacromial bursa may cause subacromial impingement in patients with rotator cuff tearsPressure measurements in 18 patients. Acta Orthopaedica, 75(1), 109–113.